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How To Mourn For The Loss Of A Child - Mukerji Law
June 11, 2014

How To Mourn For The Loss Of A Child

The most devastating event any parent can face is losing their child. Parents who are dealing with this type of tragedy are often bombarded with a range of emotions and left feeling physically and mentally drained for years. The negativity that begins to become commonplace in their life often results because they, like most individuals, don’t know how to mourn their child after they are gone. While nothing can ever replace a child that has passed away before their time, there are ways parents can make this time a little easier and move more quickly towards peace.

Seek Outside Support

A vital piece of information for grieving persons to know is that it is common for individuals to be unable to handle the burden of this tragedy on their own. Individuals should build up a support network around themselves of other people who have either gone through the same loss or can adequately sympathize. Some ideas for where to look for support include:

  • Family – These individuals often understand the loss all too well since it is their loved one as well that has passed away.
  • Support Groups – There are a large number of organizations that make it their sole mission to help those who have lost a child. Many of these organizations also host support groups where grieving parents can share their story and connect with others who have gone through the same loss.

Recognize Reality

There is an inherent wrongness that is apparent when a child passes away, and this is something parents should acknowledge. The harsh reality is that a child has passed away, and there was nothing the parent could do to stop it. Admitting there is sometimes nothing that can be done to prevent death can often help those in mourning realize their child’s death was a tragedy that couldn’t be prevented and that they shouldn’t judge themselves based on this.

Don’t Resist Natural Emotions

The most important part of the mourning process is to simply let it go on naturally. It is often tempting for parents to try and bury these emotions in an effort to appear as though they’re adjusted, but this often results in extreme feelings of sadness and a mourning process that never reaches a true end. Being aware of what the mourning process entails can also help, and this process includes:

  • Emotions such as sadness, anger, resentment, and a desire to have passed away along with the child
  • Feelings of extreme fatigue or insomnia resulting from the stress caused by this tragedy
  • Spiritual beliefs being either lost or reaffirmed during mourning

Hopelessness is also common, and those who feel this belief is becoming overpowering should seek out assistance from a mental health professional.

Getting Justice

The loss of a child is very difficult for most parents to overcome. Often times, parent can mourn for years with little or no comfort. Parents who are in mourning should seek the love and support of their peers. Another effective coping method is to seek legal action against the guilty party. If you are in this position, then you should consider hiring an attorney to overcome your injustice. Get a free case evaluation today by calling 713.766.5400.

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