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Child Injury: Document Everything If Your Child Is Harmed - Mukerji Law
June 13, 2014

Child Injury: Document Everything If Your Child Is Harmed

Children are at greater risk of injury because of their inability to identify potentially dangerous events or products as easily as adults. When children do suffer an injury this often leaves parents in shock and unable to decide which course of action will be of help to their child. The first thing parents should do is get their child the medical attention they need, and this should be followed by the gathering of documentation and an investigation as to what caused the accident.

Medical Records

Gathering documentation is of the utmost importance during any case involving injury, and this process starts as soon as the child is seen by medical professionals. Whether a child is seen in an emergency room or by their primary physician, parents should request copies of all medical documents relating to the injury. Important documents may include:

  • Notes by the physician
  • X-rays
  • Results from blood tests

While obtaining all these medical records may not be possible, the most important thing for parents to get a copy of is the treatment report that is created by the physician. This document not only details the injury, but also recommends treatments based on their examination, and this allows those examining the case to get a clear idea as to the extent of the injury.

Photographic Evidence

Taking photographs of the child and their injuries should also be of the utmost importance to parents. These pictures will create a visual reference point for those investigating the case and allow them to see the injury before it has time to heal. Some rules for taking photographs of injuries include:

  • Take pictures of both the entire child and the injury by itself. This ensures the injury can be matched with the face of the child who suffers because of it.
  • All photos should be labeled with the date and time in which they were taken.
  • Photos should be taken as the injury progresses in either healing or becoming worse.

Record of Thoughts and Observations

The injured child should also be asked on a regular basis about the state of their injury and whether any changes are taking place. These thoughts and feelings can be recorded in a journal and are useful in proving claims of mental anguish. Parents can also record any changes they observe in their child or detail any difficulties or behavioral differences they notice that are due to the injury.

Child Injury Attorney

Gathering proper documentation will help you win your case, but the most important component you can have is an attorney. A child injury lawyer can help you navigate the complicated legal system and come up with an effective defense strategy. Call 713.766.5400 today to get a free case evaluation.

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