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Houston Personal Injury Attorney News

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Welcome to the Mukerji Law blog, where we share insights on how we fight for justice with compassion and determination. No matter the size of the challenge, we are committed to going the distance for our clients, providing expert legal guidance and unwavering support every step of the way. Check out the latest Houston personal injury attorney news below.

When to File a Personal Injury Case - Mukerji Law

When to File a Personal Injury Case

People suffer injuries every day from automobile accidents, falls, medical malpractice, defective products, animal attacks, crimes, and more. While criminal charges may stem from some of these cases, personal injury lawsuits are civil cases in which the plaintiff seeks financial awards from the defendant to cover medical bills and other expenses. When should you file a personal injury claim?...
Important Evidence in Wrongful Death Cases - Mukerji Law

Important Evidence in Wrongful Death Cases

As difficult as a loved one’s death can be, their wrongful death makes everything that much harder to bear. However, you need vital evidence to uphold your case to prove wrongful death and achieve closure. Civil courts handle wrongful death cases rather than criminal courts, so the burden of proof is comparatively lower, but you still need the appropriate evidence to cover the typical elemen...
I Was Hit While Riding a Bike: What Should I Do? - Mukerji Law

I Was Hit While Riding a Bike: What Should I Do?

Bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as every other vehicle on the roadway. If you ride a bike on the road, you must obey the same laws and deserve the same degree of caution and attention from other drivers. Unfortunately, when a motor vehicle and a bicycle tangle, the rider usually comes out the worst. It’s simple physics; there just isn’t very much between the rider and th...
5 Things You Should Do After a Truck Accident - Mukerji Law

5 Things You Should Do After a Truck Accident

According to the National Safety Council, Texas had 643 fatalities in 2020 caused by commercial truck drivers, the most of any state in a single year. Trucking Statistics estimates that one person is injured or killed in a truck accident every 16 minutes in the United States. An overwhelming majority of fatalities were occupants of smaller vehicles. Even if the accident is not...
Car Accident Compensation in Texas - Mukerji Law

Car Accident Compensation in Texas

There is no “average” car accident settlement in Texas because there is no exact formula for determining the settlement amount. Every accident is unique unto itself. The amount of compensation depends on so many things: The severity of your injuries Your loss of past and future wages The costs of reasonable and necessary medical expenses The type of insurance coverage you and the other...
Construction Accidents: How to Get Compensation - Mukerji Law

Construction Accidents: How to Get Compensation

Construction sites are some of the most dangerous places to work. If you’ve been injured in a construction accident, you’re probably wondering how to get compensation. Even if you are covered by workers’ compensation insurance, it may not fully cover the expenses incurred due to your injury. Accident lawsuits are governed by the Texas accident and injury legal process, just like workers’ com...