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Shocking Bus Accident Statistics - Mukerji Law
June 19, 2014

Shocking Bus Accident Statistics

Accidents involving buses often result in injuries that are severe and sometimes fatal in Houston, as these vehicles commonly aren’t equipped with safety belts to protect passengers in the event of a crash. Cases such as this are especially difficult when the bus in question is used to transport students back and forth to school.

Data about Bus Accidents

There are a number of statistics surrounding bus crashes, and some of these figures provide information that:

Primary Causes in Texas

The primary goal of most parents with an injured child in Houston is to try and figure out what caused the accident, and this can often be traced back to an error on the part of the bus company or its employees. Some of the most common causes include:

Texas Parents who have a child that is injured in school bus crash should consider legal action as a way to ensure problems are corrected before other children are put in harm’s way.

Getting Legal Help

Bus injuries can be very serious, as one bad crash can negatively affect your body for the rest of your life. You may feel aches and pains, or be paralyzed. Whatever your condition, it’s important that you reach out to an attorney today. Just call 713.766.5400 to schedule your free case evaluation.schedule your free case evaluation.

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