Boating Accident Lawyer in Houston

Drowning, Brain and Other Boat Accident Injury Cases

Boating is a common form of recreation for Houston residents, whether on Galveston Bay or any of the lakes or rivers in the area. A negligent boat operator, whether drunk, inexperienced or reckless, is often who is responsible for the tragic drowning or injury-related death of an innocent person, or severe or catastrophic injuries. At Mukerji Law Firm, our Houston boat accident attorney represents the interests of the injured victim, or families who have lost a loved one in such an accident.

High Quality Counsel for Boating Accident Claims in Houston

We have achieved millions in settlements and lawsuits, and we are determined to help our clients to seek justice and full compensation. Many boating accidents leave a victim with catastrophic injuries, including brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, amputations or other permanent and tragic consequences. In the most terrible of cases, an innocent life is lost due to an error in judgment or reckless or dangerous actions while operating a watercraft.


Many people in the Houston area consider that drinking alcohol is a big part of the boating experience. Unfortunately, the consumption of alcohol diminishes the ability to react, impacts decision making, and reduces perception. A drunk boat operator poses a serious risk to other boaters sharing the water. Some boat operators are inexperienced, and could engage in dangerous or reckless behavior, resulting in an injury or loss of life.

The need for quality legal representation cannot be overstated. The injuries suffered could require years of care and treatment. The negligent individual must be held accountable, and be forced to pay both economic and non-economic damages. Our boat accident lawyer offers a free case evaluation. Call us today for information about filing a claim or lawsuit.