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Get Your Child Medical Attention ASAP If He Or She Has Been Injured - Mukerji Law
July 16, 2014

Get Your Child Medical Attention ASAP If He Or She Has Been Injured

One of the worst feelings a parent can endure involves watching a child suffer. Medical emergencies can happen at any time, and knowing how to handle emergencies will help alleviate some of the anxiety that’s felt as a result.

Call 911

The first priority after an injury should be seeking medical attention for the child. Parents sometimes hesitate to seek help because they feel they can handle the situation on their own, or that they will look foolish if the injury isn’t really serious. Both of these ways of thinking can be dangerous, because they can prevent the child from getting the help he or she needs. It’s always better to err on the side of caution and call 911 whenever there is a questionable injury.

In addition, emergency personnel should always be contacted in certain situations, regardless of whether or not they appear to be life-threatening. A few of these situations include:

  • Patients who are having difficulty breathing
  • Unconsciousness
  • Lack of a pulse
  • Severe chest pain
  • Uncontrolled bleeding
  • Possible neck, head or spine injury
  • Severe pain anywhere in the body, especially if it comes on suddenly
  • Persistent vomiting, especially if it involves blood

Ensure Safety

It may seem harsh, but parents should ensure their own safety before rendering aid to an injured child. They won’t be much help if they are injured themselves, not to mention the fact that there will now be two victims for emergency personnel to have to deal with instead of only one. In addition, measures should be taken to ensure the safety of bystanders, to include directing traffic or blocking access to the area. The child should not be moved if a head, neck or back injury is suspected; otherwise, he or she should be removed from harm’s way if possible.

Remain Calm for Your Injured Child

Sustaining an injury can be a stressful event for a child, and that injury will only be more stressful if a parent is also anxious. It’s important for parents to remain calm and continuously reassure their child that everything will be okay. Even if they are unable to render aid, helping a child stay calm can go a long way towards making sure that injuries are not made worse.

After help arrives, it can be a good idea to document the injury by writing down exactly what happened. This can be accompanied by taking pictures of unsafe conditions if appropriate. This documentation could prove vital in the event a lawsuit becomes necessary to recover damages.

Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney

If your child has been injured, then the first thing you need to do is ensure your child is safe and receiving medical attention. Once this has been accomplished, the next thing you should do is contact a personal injury attorney. Schedule your free case evaluation today by calling 713-222-1222

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