July 31, 2014
Water Park Injuries: Take Legal Action Today!
Many people try to escape the summer heat by visiting water parks and both relaxing in the cool water and enjoying the rides that are available. Most people feel safe in these locations, but every year there are thousands of people seriously or fatally injured at water parks due to defective equipment or negligence on the part of park staff. In order for visitors to protect themselves and their family they should be aware of the more common dangers visitors of these parks face.
Slipping and Falling
While most parks place signs at every interval warning of the danger of running, there are some instances when visitors can’t avoid slipping and falling. These accidents generally result from surfaces not being properly coated with non-slip material. If a person or someone they know slips and falls medical attention should be sought immediately and park staff should be contacted so a report can be filed.
Defective Equipment
Slides, rafts, and even lawn chairs are all expected to be in good condition before visitors are allowed to use them. If a guest is concerned about the safety of an item they should contact the water park staff and let their concerns be known. This may help visitors avoid an injury altogether and save them from having to file a negligence case to try and recover damages.
Non-Water Related Incidents
Just as with any public place, water park owners and staff have a responsibility to ensure guests are safe during their entire visit. If the park allows other guests to engage in dangerous behavior that results in a visitor being injured the park owner can be held liable for their negligence and face a lawsuit from those who suffered an injury.
File a Water Park Lawsuit Today
When a water park owner refuses to take the necessary precautions to make his or her business safe, then sooner or later people will become injured. This is an unfortunate fact of life; however, filing a lawsuit will discourage future negligent behavior and injuries. The best way to proceed with a lawsuit is to speak with a qualified attorney. Schedule a free case evaluation today by calling 713.766.5400.
*Image courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net