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Should I Call Emergency Services If My Child Is Injured - Mukerji Law
August 08, 2014

Should I Call Emergency Services If My Child Is Injured

Assessing the extent of a child’s injuries can often be difficult for parents and this can lead to hesitation when it comes to the decision of whether or not to contact emergency services. While avoiding this initial hesitation may be almost impossible, there are steps parents can take to determine whether or not their child is in need of immediate medical attention.

Child Injury Personal Observations

Immediately after a child is injured, adults should examine the child and their wounds to determine the severity of the injury. The primary thing to remember in this instance is that not all wounds will be visible on the surface. Some factors to consider include:

Events Requiring Emergency Services

There are a number of events that require the presence of emergency services regardless of whether a child has apparent injuries or not, and these include:

Creating a Medical Record

Calling emergency services in the event that a child is injured also ensures that medical documentation can be obtained in the event that a lawsuit is filed. Having injuries examined and treated as quickly as possible shows the true severity of the injury and makes it more likely that those responsible will be required to pay damages for the harm they have caused.

Get Legal Assistance Today

Child injuries are both stressful and scary. No parents want their loved one to get hurt. If your child has sustained an injury, then you may need legal assistance just to cover the cost of medical bills. Schedule a free case evaluation today by calling 713.766.5400.

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