April 24, 2019
Road Etiquette: Sharing the Road With Truck Drivers
When you travel on a freeway or highway, you are sharing the road with truck drivers. Semi trucks travel these roads frequently, hauling items from one location to another. As a regular driver, it is important that you be on the lookout for truck drivers and have proper etiquette when it comes to sharing the road with trucks. This can help to minimize the chances that you will be involved in a catastrophic accident with a semi truck. Here is some information you need to know about sharing the road with truck drivers.
The Importance of Sharing the Road With Truck Drivers
The actions you take while driving can impact other drivers around you, including truck drivers. A truck has more blind spots around it and takes longer to come to a complete stop compared to a regular vehicle. As such, you need to be aware of truck drivers’ blind spots and how long it takes them to come to a complete stop. This allows you to safely pass a truck and stay out of their blind spots. This helps to keep both yourself, the truck driver and other vehicles on the roadways safe.
Etiquette for Sharing the Road With Truck Drivers
When you are sharing the road with truck drivers, one of the best etiquette tips is to drive defensively. Keep in mind that truck drivers have more blind spots and take longer to stop. As such, you want to give yourself more distance when passing them or cutting in front of them. You also need to allow them space when they need to merge into your lane. Driving defensively around trucks is one of the best ways to share the road with truck drivers.
Safety Tips to Keep in Mind When Sharing the Road With Truck Drivers
There are many safety tips to keep in mind when you are sharing the road with truck drivers. When you are sharing the road with truck drivers, try to pass a truck quickly. If you are trying to go slowly, you can get caught up in blind spots. Also, be sure not to cut a truck off. A truck takes longer to come to a stop, so if you cut them off, they can rear end you. If you are looking to pass a truck, always use your signal. This allows a truck driver to see what you are planning on doing and gives them time to react. Lastly, be sure to dim your bright lights around a truck. Your bright lights reflect off their truck and mirrors, which can be blinding to the driver.
Being aware of semi trucks on the road and learning proper etiquette and safety tips can help to decrease the chances of you being involved in an accident with truck drivers. Unfortunately, you cannot prevent every accident from occurring. If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident, Mukerji Law Firm can help you. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.