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I Was Injured At An Amusement Park. How Long Do I Have To Sue? - Mukerji Law
July 23, 2014

I Was Injured At An Amusement Park. How Long Do I Have To Sue?

When an injury occurs at an amusement park, the victim may simply assume this is the risk they take when visiting one of these locations. What many victims don’t realize is that their injury likely could have been avoided, and it is often the actions of park employees that create dangerous conditions in the first place. As medical bills begin to arrive, victims often begin to realize the seriousness of their injury and look for a way to pay all the costs and this is when they should consider taking legal action.

Amusement Park Statute of Limitations

The statute of limitations is applied differently depending on whether the injured person was under or above the age of 18 when the accident occurred.

Filing Quickly

There are a number of advantages for those who decide to file their lawsuit shortly after the injury is sustained, and these include:

You Don’t Need to Go to Court Alone

It’s nearly impossible for a person unfamiliar with the law to effectively defend themselves. It’s much better to hire a professional personal injury attorney to manage your case. Schedule your free case evaluation today by calling 713.766.5400.

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