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Child Injury: Gather As Much Information As Possible Before Visiting An Attorney - Mukerji Law
August 25, 2014

Child Injury: Gather As Much Information As Possible Before Visiting An Attorney

When a child is injured parents often have to take on the role of an investigator and record keeper in order to ensure those responsible are held accountable. Both of these roles are of vital importance because it is during the act of carrying out these tasks that parents will get a clear picture of what caused the injury so this information can be relayed to an attorney.


Parents should begin their investigation as soon as their child has been treated by a medical professional. All of the information from the investigation should be noted in a journal so the attorney of the parents can review this information later.

Record Keeper

The records that are presented during a case are also of vital importance because these pieces of information or objects are often admitted as evidence during the lawsuit. Important records for parents to gather include:

Hire an Attorney Today

After a child has been injured, the first thing a parent should do is make sure the situation is safe and begin collecting evidence. After those two things, the next step is to contact a personal injury attorney. Schedule your free case review today by calling 713-222-1222.

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