May 21, 2014
Above-Ground Pool Collapse Injuries: They Can Happen To You!
Above-ground swimming pools are basically metal frames to which a vinyl liner is attached. Others are simply inflatable structures that hold their shape when they are filled with water. Many times, these pools are sold as “do-it-yourself kits”, with the homeowner performing the installation of them. As a result, above-ground pool collapses are not uncommon.
Common Causes of Ground Pool Collapse
Some of the most common causes for ground pool collapses are:
- Improper installation
- Holes or tears in the lining
- Not being anchored properly
- Failure to place them on level ground
- Overloading or unsafe swimming practices
When even one aspect of a swimming pool’s integrity has been compromised, the safety of the entire structure can be placed in jeopardy. Unfortunately, there are not always warning signs that a ground pool is unstable, which means that people can become seriously injured if they are inside it whenever it collapses.
Types of Injuries Possible
Although it may seem as though a swimming pool collapsing would result in rather minor injuries, this is not always the case. The larger the pool is the more likely there is to be serious injuries, since more water is involved. Large volumes of water flowing at high rates of speed can produce serious injuries or even death, with the most common ones being:
- Head injuries
- Broken bones
- Lacerations
- Skull fractures
- Back injuries
- Whiplash
Children are more likely than adults are to become injured whenever a ground pool collapses. Wearing safety gear will not prevent these injuries, as they are primarily caused from being thrust about suddenly whenever the pool collapses.
Ground Pool Duty of Care
In Texas, pool owners have a duty of care to ensure their structure is safely installed and properly maintained. This means that if an invited guest is injured when a pool collapses, the owner would likely need to show the collapse was due to no fault of his or her own. If that fact cannot be shown, the host could then be liable for damages in a court of law.
Manufacturers of above-ground swimming pools also have a duty of care to provide a safe product. When a ground pool collapse is due to a defective design, the manufacturers of the swimming pool might then be held responsible for any damages that occur to patrons as a result.
Swimming pool collapses can be devastating for those who are unfortunate enough to experience them. Many people are surprised to find that people they once considered as friends are unwilling to take responsibility when that happens. Some will have no other option but to seek relief in a court of law.
Get Legal Help Today
While fighting the legal system is difficult, it is even more tough without the assistance of an experienced personal injury attorney by your side. Schedule your free case evaluation today by calling 713-222-1222.
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