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3 Types Of Pediatrics Malpractice - Mukerji Law
August 28, 2014

3 Types Of Pediatrics Malpractice

Millions of Texas parents entrust pediatric doctors with their children every year, and many take the advice of this medical professional without question. It is a tragedy when the advice of this medical professional is wrong and results in a child being severely or fatally injured. Houston parents should be aware of what constitutes pediatrics malpractice so they can know whether they have a right to file a lawsuit.

Common Texas Malpractice Cases

Any time a Houston pediatrician makes a diagnosis they have a responsibility to ensure that their chosen course of treatment is in the best interest of the child. Common events that can lead to a malpractice case include:

  1. Improper Medication – If a child is diagnosed with an illness and then given medication that does more harm than good this is often considered malpractice if the pediatrician had resources available that indicated an adverse response was likely.
  2. Inadequate Action – If a pediatrician has knowledge about a condition and does nothing about it, this can be considered malpractice. These medical professionals have an obligation to relay information about any known conditions to parents so they can make the decision as to whether or not treatment should be sought.
  3. Surgical Complications – Surgical procedures are undertaken with a great level of care, but this doesn’t mean negligence on the part of medical staff can’t occur. If a child is injured as a result of surgery this is a form of pediatrics malpractice and the parents can seek damages by filing a lawsuit.

Pediatrics Malpractice Legal Assistance

There are many cases of malpractice in Texas every year. When child malpractice happens, it’s important for parents to take legal action right away so that they can win their case. Schedule your free case evaluation today by calling 713-222-1222.